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The Call of the Jaguar 



This novel is finished and in the query process.


When Rosa’s grandmother dies, revealing her true identity, she leaves her small town in Mexico for the Pacific Northwest to search for answers to her origins. There she discovers a link to a white supremacist and to Lupe, who, as a teen, suffers through the harshness of the Sonoran desert to migrate to the US.


Relying on her wit, ingenuity, and the help of a handsome lawyer, Rosa battles supernatural forces while outmaneuvering real-life assassins. But to destroy the supernatural power threatening humanity, she must connect to the Jaguar, her totemic ancestor and spiritual guide. 


Horror and suspense weave through the stories of the marginalized characters drawn together by Rosa’s mission. Against the backdrop of myths, dreams, and ancient ceremonies, this fast-paced thriller depicts with magical realism the plight of the immigrants torn between pursuing the American dream and preserving their cultural identity.

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