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Call of the Jaguar 

"Call of the Jaguar" is a gripping thriller blending magical realism with suspense. Lupe, Rosa, and Luke's stories intertwine as they navigate lives between Mexico and the Pacific Northwest. Lupe escapes domestic violence, making a treacherous journey across the Sonoran Desert to Washington State. After her grandmother’s death, Rosa uncovers a web of deception, hiding her true ancestral legacy. Young public defender Luke, adopted at birth, struggles with identity while defending undocumented individuals. His life changes when he takes on Rosa as a client.

United by the call of the jaguar, Mesoamerica’s spiritual guardian, and together with unexpected allies, they confront a billionaire white supremacist's plot to manipulate biogenetics for world domination. The narrative explores immigration, racism, and cultural identity, weaving tales of courage and solidarity. Brace yourself for a pulse-pounding journey where each moment brings Rosa, Lupe, and Luke closer to danger and revelation.

Cover by Adriana Miramontes

Available March 1st, 2025 on Amazon 

Click on the PDF below to read an excerpt. 


Loved it! 😍
A daughter of the Jaguar takes on a rich white supremacist. A great read mixing action, intrigue, culture, and the supernatural.
Call of the Jaguar is a vibrant adventure set in Mexico and the US that combines thrilling action with supernatural and legal battles. (...)
The book as a whole is exciting and culturally rich, split between different timelines and perspectives. It smoothly blends a modern good vs evil storyline with themes of class inequality, racism, survival at any cost, and cultural appreciation.
The narration is fast-paced, easy to read, and immersive, plunging the reader in hard and emotional situations. Its characters are well-developed and compelling, thanks to their individual stories and how they progress the plot. (...)
All-in-all, Call of the Jaguar is a great book for fans of sociopolitical thrillers mixed with cultural, fantastical, and romantic elements. It's written and developed well, creating a highly engaging experience. 
—Electra Nanou/ Reedsy Discovery 


A romantic thriller offers supernatural elements and social commentary.
Del Paso draws on ancient Indigenous beliefs about shape-shifters and spiritual beings and the thriller has elements of magical realism. (...) Social commentary is a key aspect of the story, which vividly conveys the exploitation of undocumented migrants, the pain of not belonging, and the power of love and friendship. (...)  Overall, this gripping novel blends plenty of violent action and suspense with magic and romance.
A compelling tale about two Mexican Americans finding love and fighting evil.— Kirkus Reviews


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